Mastermind Roundtable for Podiatric Meeting Planners: Recap

On November 10, 2020, and Clover Conferences hosted an online Mastermind Roundtable Event for Podiatric Meeting Planners. The event focused on two topics:

  • How to provide value to sponsors during a virtual event
  • How to provide value to sponsors while working within CPME guidelines.

All podiatric meeting planners were invited. Many of our industry’s top meetings were represented on the call. The expertise and insight shared was invaluable.

We discussed the various platforms for virtual events, feedback we’ve received from exhibitors, best practices and how to avoid technological problems; as well as creative ideas to make each event successful.

We also talked about a couple of challenges and solutions when working with sponsorships and CPME compliance. We shared our experiences and ideas on how to provide value to sponsors other than a lecture or workshop opportunity. We discussed our interpretation of CPME Document 720 as it relates to virtual events, both on-demand and live-streaming.

If you would like to be notified about future events, make sure you are on my email list by completing the form below.

If you were unable to join us for this event, you can check out the presentation slides below.

Mastermind Roundtable for Podiatric Meeting Planners

Additional Resources

Markletic recently published a comprehensive article on statistics regarding all facets of virtual events. This survey data is invaluable and you should definitely take the time to review the data. You can view the entire article here:

You can access the sample document templates from CPME by CLICKING HERE .

The information provided by Clover Conferences, LLC or Ann Dosen on or via email is for general informational purposes only. All information is provided in good faith, however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information we provide. Basically, we are not responsible if you take our advice and it doesn’t go well for you.